Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Camp John Hay (Baguio City)

John Hay Air Station, more commonly known as Camp John Hay, is a major tourism and recreation attraction located in the city of Baguio, on Luzon island, the Philippines. It was a major hill station used for rest and recreation, or R&R, for personnel and dependents of the United States Armed Forces in the Philippines as well as United States Department of Defense employees and their dependents.

 It was last run by the United States Air Force. It was officially designated a communications station.

With an average elevation of 5,000 ft., Camp John Hay - and Baguio City in general - is much cooler and less humid than the rest of the Philippine Islands thereby providing a more familiar mild climate the typical American soldier knows back home. The facility housed The American Residence as well as Broadcasting facilities of the Voice of America.

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